Hijacked Heart

Originally posted:
Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Hijacked Heart

"Above all else guard your heart for it affects everything you do." Proverbs 4:23

"Lord, I just want my heart to be right."  Ever prayed that prayer?  I have--but not nearly often enough.  Honestly, much of the time I don't pay very close attention to where my heart is or what's going on inside of it.  I guess you could say I allow my heart to get "hijacked" more often than I would like to admit.

Hijack.  The dictionary definition says it all - "to illegally seize in transit and force to go to a different destination or use it for one's own purposes."

If my heart isn't surrendered and dedicated to my Lord then guess who has the easy opening to hijack it?  To whom have I given the power to seize it and force it to a different destination?  To whom have I handed over the power to use it for his own purposes?

This scripture reminds me that my heart is so fragile, so precious that it needs to be guarded.  Why?  Because the attitude of my heart affects every area of my life.  I must be deliberate about where my heart is and who has control of it.  It's my choice.

"Lord, I really do want my heart to be right..."

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