Chasing Truth

Originally posted:
Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Chasing Truth

 "Buy the truth and do not sell it--wisdom, instruction and insight as well."  Proverbs 23:23

What are you chasing these days?  Is it pleasure, comfort, security, affirmation or influence?  By the way, have you noticed the new title for those who want to sway the culture in their direction?  They are now called 'Influencers".  Hmm.   Maybe you don't feel like you're really chasing anything in particular but you just want to be left alone to enjoy what makes you happy in peace.  Is that a bad thing?  After all, should any of us be telling another what they should be pursuing in this brief existence we call life?

Interesting to note that in John 14:6 Jesus never suggested that he was one of "many ways' or one of "many truths" or one of "many choices" in the path to genuine life and ultimately to the Father.  He simple stated, "I am THE WAY, and THE TRUTH and THE LIFE.  No one comes to the Father except through me."  Yet have you read some of the numerous articles out there that basically say Jesus didn't really mean what he said there?  What he really meant was... Huh?  It seems to me that the Son of God, the "God-Man", the one who died in order to pay for your sins and mine surely knew what he meant to say.

Can I suggest that what we need is not some ambiguous, non-threatening version of the truth?  What we need in this sin-saturated, self-affirming, ego-driven culture is THE TRUTH.  We need Jesus.  Let's stop apologizing for everything and start standing up for the truth - the truth about who Jesus is and what He wants to do in the lives of this hurting, crazy, mixed up generation we are all a part of.  They deserve better.

The world is looking for some genuine "Truth Chasers".  Isn't it about time?

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